The sword of the naive knight gets stuck in the pudding of life.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Football Name News

I still have never really got over someone called ARSene taking a job at ARSenal football club. But ARSene Wenger (French) seems to have a real brain on him and so (unlike the Marie Curie, Maria Callas, Mariah Carey thing that I have now come to terms with) it can't just be a coincidence. I really think he is a top joker.

This thesis is now proven since he has recently completely revised his transfer policy and spent £15m on a man called ARShavin just because of the first 3 letters of his name. This morning it is reported he has locked himself in his office and given the day over to giggling to himself.

It's no surprise that he chose football for his silliness, though, since the only other options for him involved arson, arsenic and arses.

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