The sword of the naive knight gets stuck in the pudding of life.

Monday 9 June 2008

Fern Britton's Pyloric Sphincter

I see that Fern Britton's Pyloric Sphincter has a new auto-biography out. In "Keep it Flowing" Ms. Pyloric Sphincter tells of her early years as a conduit to Britton's gastric content. Fans of the nation's most pleasant person's tummy valve will be interested in the late night cake binges and the night's out with Phillip Schofield's ragged colon. Of course this all changed 2 years ago and Fern Britton's Pyloric Sphincter doesn't have much good to say about Fern Britton's Gastric Band. "You try your best and work really hard to get to the top and then along comes this untalented upstart and suddenly she's Britain's most famous stomach-based celebrity."

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